Mind Sync

Hallmarking Scheme

Prestige of Authenticity


Gain consumer trust by guaranteeing pure precious metal articles

Hallmarking is the accurate determination and official recording of the proportionate content of precious metal in precious metal articles. Hallmarks are official marks used as a guarantee of purity or fineness of precious metal articles. The primary objective of the Hallmarking Scheme is to safeguard consumers from adulteration and to compel manufacturers to uphold legal standards of fineness. Currently, gold and silver in India have been included in the scope of hallmarking.
A jeweller who wants to sell hallmarked jewellery has to obtain a registration from Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Earlier hallmarking was allowed for 6 purity categories, namely, 14KT, 18KT, 20KT, 22KT, 23KT and 24KT. From 1st June, 2022, jewellers can only sell hallmarked gold jewellery, irrespective of its purity. This would mean that every gold jewellery item irrespective of its caratage must be mandatorily hallmarked. The registered jeweller submits the jewellery for hallmarking to BIS recognized Assaying & Hallmarking (A&H) centre. A&H centres are the testing centres where the jewellery is tested. Once the jewellery undergoes testing, the A&H centre applies a hallmark if it meets the standard requirements.

Signs on

Hallmarked Gold Jewellery

  • BIS logo
  • Purity/Fineness grade
  • Six-digit alphanumeric code, also known as HUID

Mind Sync
Can Help?

Our team of professionals will assist you right from documentation, ensuring that your systems and products meet the required standards. We will work closely with you to address any gaps or non-conformities identified and support you in implementing corrective measures. Our aim is to simplify the entire process for you, allowing you to focus on your core business activities while ensuring continued compliance and customer confidence. Providing you peace of mind and confidence to consumers in every purchase.


  • IS 1417: 2016: Gold and Gold Alloys, Jewellery/Artefacts-Fineness and Marking- Specification.
  • IS 2112:2014: Silver and Silver Alloys, Jewellery/Artefacts-Fineness and Marking- Specification
  • IS 15820: 2009: General Requirements for establishment and operation of Assaying and operation of Assaying and Hallmarking centres
  • IS 1418: 2009: Determination of gold in gold bullion, gold alloys and gold jewellery/artefacts-cupellation (Fire Assay) Method
  • IS 2113: 2014: Assaying Silver in Silver and Silver Alloys- Methods
  • Any manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor or retailer engaged in selling precious metal articles has to mandatorily get registered with BIS for Hallmarking.
  • The registration is thus required for:
    • Manufacturer– involved in selling hallmarked gold jewellery to wholesaler, distributor, retailer or to the end customer;
    • Wholesaler– involved in selling hallmarked gold jewellery to distributor, retailer or to the end customer;
    • Distributor- involved in selling hallmarked gold jewellery to wholesaler, retailer or to the end customer;
    • Retailerinvolved in selling hallmarked gold jewellery to the end customer.
  • Artisans or manufacturers who are manufacturing the gold jewellery on job work for the jewellers and are not directly related to sell to any of the persons in the chain such as manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor and retailer may be exempted from registration. However, they must have supporting documents in claim to their status.
  • In the chain of manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor and retailer, the responsibility to get the article hallmarked is on the one who makes the first point of sale. Thus, hallmarking has to be done only once in the entire chain and it has to be done by the one who has made the first sale which may be manufacturer or wholesaler or distributor or retailer.
  • Jewellers with annual turnover up to Rs 40 lakh do not fall within the purview of mandatory hallmarking.
  • Any article meant for export which conforms to any specification required by the foreign buyer;
  • An article with weight less than 2 grams;
  • An article which is in course of consignment from outside India to an assaying and hallmarking centre in India recognised as per the Bureau of Indian Standards (Hallmarking) Regulations, 2018 for hallmarking;
  • Any article which is intended to be used for medical, dental, veterinary, scientific or industrial purposes;
  • Any article of gold thread viz. Kundan, Polki, Jadau;
  • Any manufactured article which is not substantially complete and which is intended for further manufacture;
  • Gold bullion in any shape of bar, plate, sheet, foil, rod, wire, strip, tube or coin;
  • Export and re-import of jewellery as per Trade policy of Government of India;
  • Jewellery for International Exhibitions;
  • Jewellery for domestic Business-to -Business (B2B) exhibitions approved by Government agency;
  • Gold watch and fountain pen.

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

Do you have any queries?

This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.



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