Mind Sync

Trademark Registration

Protect your Brand from infringement


ESSENTIAL - Trademark Registration

Your Digital Identity-
Safeguarding Brand identity

“Trademarks” or “Service-marks” are unique recognizable “Sign”, Design”, “Logo”, “Expression”, “Business Name”, “Distinctive Catch Phrases”, “Tagline” or “Captions” for products or services. A well-promoted trademark may become the most valuable asset of your business as it serves as an indication of origin as well as quality.
The trademarks registry was established in India in 1940 and presently administers the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the rules made thereunder. The objective of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 is to register trademarks and to provide for better protection of trademarks for goods and services and also to prevent fraudulent use of the marks.

“TM” stands for “Trademark” and “SM” stands for “Service-mark”. The use of “TM” and “SM” symbols notifies that the owner is claiming exclusive ownership and can generally be used by one who has filed an application for registration. The symbol ® can be used once the trademark is registered and the registration certificate is issued.

The registration process is the same for trademarks and service-marks.

Registration Authority

Registrar of Trademarks

Mind Sync
Can Help?

We’re committed to finding a way out, always ready to take up the toughest tasks. We take pride in being different. Mind Sync offers a formula of professional services uniquely crafted to address your business challenges, opportunities and create something you didn’t even know you needed.

We team up together with our clients to tackle the business challenges presented by a dynamic world and discover and implement innovative, efficient and effective business solutions.

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This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.



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