Mind Sync

Model Approval

Secure your Model Approval prior to product launch


Setting the foundation

Metrology refers to the science of measurement. It refers to the units and methodologies of weighing and measurement, governed by laws and regulations. Legal metrology provides regulations for the control of measurements and measuring instruments. The Directorate of Legal Metrology is established under the purview of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. It is responsible for overseeing and regulating the model approval, manufacturing and import of weighing and measuring instruments and devices. Additionally, it regulates trade and commerce for goods sold by weight, measure, or number, along with related matters.
Model Approval Overview

For any new measuring or weighing device, it is necessary to obtain Model Approval, from the Legal Metrology Department operating under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. Model Approval means all weight and measuring instruments undergo testing and calibration according to the standards laid down in the Legal Metrology Act to maintain accuracy. The Legal Metrology Department inspects and regulates the quality and standards of such devices.

The Legal Metrology Act, 2009

Section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 (“LM Act”), regulates Model approval of weights and measuring instruments.

The Legal Metrology (Approval of Models) Rules, 2011.

Model Approval of weight and measure instruments is regulated by Legal Metrology Act, 2009 read with the Legal Metrology (Approval of Models) Rules, 2011. These rules govern approval by Central Government for manufacturing and importing weighing and measuring instruments in order to avoid usage of faulty and unauthorised instruments.



Every person before manufacturing or importing any weight or measure instruments shall seek the approval of model from the Legal Metrology Department, ensuring compliance with the OIML standards.

Mind Sync
Can Help?

Leveraging its profound industry expertise and up-to-date domain knowledge, Mind Sync has successfully delivered numerous legal metrology services to businesses, guaranteeing adherence to regulations and meticulous precision. Mind Sync caters to businesses across the complete spectrum of Legal Metrology, encompassing registrations, licensing, model approvals, stamping, verification, and ensuring product label compliances.

Types of Model Approval

Mechanical Type model of weights or measures

  • Weights and measures that are mechanical in nature like measuring types, mechanical weighing scales etc.
  • Government fee for Model Approval- Rs.10,000 per model.

Digital or Electronic type model of weights or measures

  • Weights and measures that are automatic and digital in nature like automatic weighing scales, automatic gravimetric machines, etc.
  • Government fee for Model Approval- Rs.25,000 per model.


  • Auto rickshaw and Taxi meter
  • Automatic gravimetric filing instrument
  • Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in-motion and measuring axle loads
  • Automatic rail weighbridge
  • Catch weighing instrument (check weigher)
  • Clinical thermometer
  • CNG dispenser
  • Counter machine
  • Discontinuous totalizing automatic weighing instrument (Hopper weigher)
  • Flow meters
  • Gas meters
  • Liquor measures
  • Measuring systems for Liquids other than water
  • Measuring tape
  • Non-automatic weighing instrument
  • Sphygmomanometer (Blood Pressure Meter)
  • Volumetric capacity measures of higher Capacities
  • Water meter
  • Any other weight and measures.
Model Approval may not be required in respect of any cast iron, brass, bullion or carat weight or any beam scale, length measures (not being measuring tapes) which are ordinarily used in retail trade for measuring textiles or timber, capacity measures not exceeding 20 litre in capacity, which are ordinarily used in retail trade for measuring kerosene, milk or potable liquors.
  • Manufacturer/Importer of any weighing and measuring instrument shall make an application of Model Approval to the Director of Legal Metrology Department;
  • Submission of the model to Regional Reference Standard Laboratory (RRSL), Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India along with the prescribed fee;
  • Testing for the assessment of fitness of a model submitted, is carried out by RRSL;
  • Issue of Certificate of Approval.
As per Rule 20 of Legal Metrology (Approval of Model) Rules, 2011, before issuing a license to manufacture or import any weight or measure, the State Government shall satisfy itself that a Certificate of Approval of the Model of such weight or measure has been granted by the Central Government.
Importers of weights and measuring instruments after obtaining Model Approval are required to obtain a Dealer license in LD-1 to sell such weights and measures.

Central Government- Director- Legal Metrology

Do you have any queries?

This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.



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