Mind Sync

Fertiliser License

Helping you bring your product to market


Together Tomorrow

Fertilisers help farmers maximize crop yields and nourish plants to thrive. To ensure the safe and responsible use of these agricultural inputs, many countries and jurisdictions enforce regulations that require individuals and businesses to obtain a fertilizer license. Fertiliser means any substance used or intended to be used as a fertiliser of the soil and/or crop and specified in Part A of Schedule I of Fertilizer (Control) Order, 1985 and includes a mixture of fertilizer and special mixture of fertilisers, provisional fertiliser, customised fertilizer, Bio-fertilizers specified in Schedule III and Organic fertilizers specified in Schedule IV.
The Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare under Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare regulates the manufacture, import and sale of fertilizer. Government of India has issued the Fertilizer Control Order, 1985 (FCO) under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. Government has declared fertilizers as an essential commodity for meeting the food grain requirements and to protect the consumers from exploitation by unscrupulous traders. The FCO specifies what substances are eligible for use as fertilizers in the soil, product-wise specifications, methods for sampling, procedure for obtaining registration or license as manufacturer or dealer of fertilizers.

The enforcement of the Fertiliser Control Order 1985, has primarily been entrusted to State Governments.  The Central Government provides training facilities and technical guidance to States and supplements their efforts through random inspection of manufacturing units and their distribution network through the Inspectors. Fertiliser license is a State license.


  • Manufacturers
  • Industrial Dealers
  • Importers
  • Pool Handling Agency
  • Wholesale Dealer
  • Retail Dealer

Mind Sync
Can Help?

Mind Sync’s associates have the regulatory expertise to provide consultancy services to help you in every step of the regulatory framework process. Our fertilizer regulatory services include safety substantiation, product characterization and registration activities. We aim to understand your goals and objectives, learn the technical aspects of projects and anticipate compliance challenges to plan a strategic path forward. Our associate regulatory specialists address all aspects of product registration and ongoing compliance.


  • Straight Nitrogenous Fertilisers
  • Straight Phosphorous Fertilisers
  • Straight Potassium Fertilisers
  • Straight Sulphur Fertilisers
  • N.P. Complex Fertilisers
  • N.P.K. Complex Fertilisers
  • Micronutrients
  • Fortified Fertilisers
  • 100% Water Soluble Complex Fertilisers
  • Organic Fertilisers
  • Granulated NPK Mixture of Fertilisers
  • Bio-fertilizer specified in Schedule III (Carried & Liquid based)
  • Mixed Micronutrients (State Notified Grades)
  • Imported Fertilised (under Clase 20 of FCO)
  • 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilisers (Part 1)
  • Non-edible de-oiled cake fertilizers specified in Schedule V
  • 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilisers (Part 2)
  • Beneficial Element Fertiliser
  • 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilisers (Part 3)
  • Liquid Fertiliser
  • Nano Fertiliser (under Clause 20D of FCO)
  • 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilisers (Part 4)
  • 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilisers (Part 5)
  • 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilisers (Part 6)
  • Physical NPK Mixture Grades (Market)
  • 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilisers (Part 7)
  • 100% Water Soluble Fertilisers (Part 8)
  • 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilisers (Part 9)
  • Bio-stimulants specified in Schedule VI
  • Industrial dealer is one who sells fertilizers for industrial purposes, which means the use of fertilizer for
    purposes other than fertilisation of soil and increasing productivity of crops.
  • Every person intending to sell or offer for sale or carrying on the business of selling fertilizer as an
    Industrial Dealer shall obtain a Certificate of Registration from the Controller of Fertilizers by making an
    application in Form- A together with a Certificate of Source.
  • Certificate of Registration is issued in Form- B.
  • Every person including a Manufacturer, an Importer, a Pool handling agency, Wholesaler and a Retail dealer intending to sell or offer for sale or carrying on the business of selling fertilizer shall make a Memorandum of Intimation in Form- A1 to the Notified Authority of the concerned State along with Certificate of Source.
  • An acknowledgement of receipt will be issued in Form- A2, which will be considered as an Authorisation Letter and designate the concerned person as an Authorised Dealer.
  • Separate Memorandum of Intimation shall be submitted for wholesale business and retail dealership.
  • Make an application to the Registering Authority of the concerned State in Form- D for any Mixture of fertilizer or non-edible de-oiled cake fertilize and for special mixture of fertilizer together in Form- E with an attested copy of the requisition of the purchaser.
  • Certificate of Manufacture is then issued in Form- F for any mixture of fertilizer and for Special mixture of fertilizer in Form- G.
  • No certificate of manufacture in respect of any special mixture of fertilisers shall be granted unless the manufacturer holds a valid Certificate of Manufacture for any mixture of fertilizers.
  • Controller of Fertilizers, State Agricultural Department
  • Joint Director of Agriculture (Fertiliser and Plant Protection), State Agricultural Department

Do you have any queries?

This information is in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Mind Sync does not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information provided herein. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.



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